Thursday, February 27, 2020

Project Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Management Theory - Essay Example People that studied specific professions such as law, accounting, medical would not fit the profile of union member and there weren’t any unions for these types of workers. In order to meet the social and professional needs of this segment of the workforce professional associations were created to serve them. The project management profession is no exception. The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the organization that serves project managers across the world. The Project Management Institute was created in 1969. The organization has taken been very innovative and its overall reach and has been able to effectively expose the profession worldwide. The Institute has a membership of over 200,000 people from over 125 different countries (Pmi, 2007). Project management is a profession that attracts people from different specialization since within virtually every industry there are always projects that need guidance for successful completion. The PMI realized the needs of professionals from different industries and their assistance is guided towards helping profession in the financial services, aerospace, automobile, pharmaceutical, healthcare, construction, engineering, information technology, business management among many others. The institution has done a great job creating professional standards, conducting research and promoting the profession through certifications, networking and community involvement opportunities (Pmi, 2007). The project management institute has accomplished great social initiatives throughout the community including outreach programs in developing nation such as Brazil. In Sao Paolo, Brazil the local PMI chapter developed a pilot program which offered project management classes to teenagers from low income families. The classes were designed to expose students to the basic principles of project management and to teach them how these principles can be applied to improve their everyday

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Corporate ocial Reponibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Corporate ocial Reponibility - Essay Example The buine of Glaxo Laboratorie Ltd expanded greatly with the new market created by the founding of the National Health ervice (NH). In January 2001 Glaxo Wellcome plc and mithKline Beecham plc officially merged to become GlaxomithKline plc. The vault webite give quite a good up-to-date decription of the company: "Cobbled together from four izable and formerly independent pharmaceutical companie, GlaxomithKline i one of the giant of the indutry. In 2003, the company' revenue totaled $38 billion -- good for a profit of nearly $11 billion. In addition to precription medication, Glaxo alo manufacture vaccine, over-the-counter (OTC) drug, oral care product and nutrition drink. In all, the company market more than 1,200 different brand which are old in 130 countrie worldwide. Thi comprehenive product line can be credited to Glaxo' maive $4 billion annual reearch and development budget, a well a to it 40,000 trong ale force -- the larget in the indutry -- that keep thoe product moving out of the warehoue and into the market. Glaxo' annual pharmaceutical ale make up approximately 7 percent of the worldwide market" ( At an international level, intellectual property i protected through the World Trade Organiation' (WTO) Trade Related Apect of Intellectual Property Right (TRIP) Agreement. GK argue that patent and other intellectual property right play a vital role in encouraging the innovation and needed to develop new treatment for many of the mot eriou dieae. "We invet coniderable time and money to develop each new pharmaceutical product - an average of $800m per product. If a new product could immediately be copied and old by other we would not be able to continue to fund new reearch. Thi would dicourage innovation and limit reearch into newer and better medicine and vaccine" ( A well, although the organiation acknowledge the fact that the TRIP agreement limit acce to eential medicine, uch a treatment for AID, it doe not ee them a the key barrier to acce to thee medicine. It argue that countrie hould be improving infratructure and increaing public invetment in health care. GlaxomithKline argue that it policy require that all marketing and promotional activitie are baed on valid cientific evidence, and comply with applicable law and regulation. It alo comply with relevant indutry code of practice, uch a the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Aociation' (IFPMA) Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practice and the PhRMA Code on Interaction with Healthcare Profeional. Training i provided for all employee whoe poition require an undertanding of our marketing code, particularly ale repreentative( GlaxomithKline recognie the importance of preerving the environment and protecting the health and afety of people who work for the company. It ha a comprehenive et of environmental, health and afety programme that provide tructure for our approach. According to GK thee are baed on tandard that apply, without exception, to all of it ite around the world. "Environmental